Contact - me

UTFPR - Câmpus Curitiba (CPGEI)
Av. Sete de Setembro 3165 80230-901 - Curitiba PR
Phone: (41) 3310-4686
Fax: (41) 3310-4683
Email: anelise at

Short Bio

Anelise Munaretto is a Full Professor at UTFPR, Curitiba, specializing in wireless networks, IoT, and smart cities. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, and co-leads the Wireless Networks Research Laboratory (LABSC) and a CNPq research group on Wireless Communication Systems.


Anelise Munaretto

QoS for ad hoc networking based on multiple metrics: bandwidth and delay

Routing and quality of service support for mobile ad hoc networks

A link-state QoS routing protocol for ad hoc networks

Optimal path selection in a link state QoS routing protocol

Grant: Inferring best forwarders from complex networks’ dynamics through a greedy ant colony optimization

Increased network lifetime and load balancing based on network interface average power metric for RPL

Adaptive QoS management for IEEE 802.11 future wireless ISPs

Clustering and hierarchical classification for high-precision RFID indoor location systems

A strategy for opportunistic cognitive channel allocation in wireless Internet of Things

Comparing the energy efficiency of single-hop, multi-hop and incremental decode-and-forward in multi-relay wireless sensor networks